Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

beberapa permen diberbagi negara

Sebenarnya permen khas ini dibuat dari buah plum kering dan diberi bubuk li hing yang rasanya manis, asam, asin. Kombinasi rasa ini menciptakan rasa yang kuat yang dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan penyakit tenggorokan. Permen ini awalnya hanya ada di china dan beberapa negara asia. Kemudian pada tahun 1900an, permen ini dibawa masuk pertama kali ke hawai oleh seorang imigran asia yang bernama Yee Sheong.

Saat singgah di perancis jangan lupa ya mencicipi permen traditional bernama Nougat ini. permen yummy ini diolah menggunakan gula atau madu, kacang pistachio, almond, hazelnut plus buah buahan kering lainnya. Tekstur nougat berbeda-beda, ada yang lunak ada yang keras tergantung bahan yang dipakai. Tidak hanya tekstur, warnanya pun bisa berbeda. Nougat putih terbuat dari putih telur, sedangkan nougat cokelat dibuat dari gula caramel dan lebih kriuk kriuk saat dikunyah.

masih ingat film the chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe yang ngetop itu? di film itu ada adegan dimana edmund berterus terang kepada white Witch bahwa permen kesukaan nya adalah Turkish Delight!! kembang gula yang nama aslinya Lokum atau cyprus delight ini emang pantas menjadi kesukaan banyak orang.teksturnya yang lembut dan lengket mirip jeli ditambah potongan kecil kaang kacangan seperti walnut, almond atau kenari serta taburan gula halus di sekelilingnya,bikin rasa permen ini Legiiiiiiit banget. Permen yang sudah diproduksi sejak abad ke-15 ini berasal dari negara turki. namun berkat kelezatannya, turkish delight bisa terkenal ke seluruh eropa dan dunia.bahkan di inggris, permen ini dapat julukan hanhish candy karena dapat membuat orang ketagihan memakannya.

Permen ini adalah cikal bakal berbagai bentuk penmen 'gelatin lengket' yang digemari di banyak negara! permen empuk ini diciptakan oleh Hans Riegel dari kota bonn di jerman pada tahun 1922. si mungil berwarna warni ini aslinya bernama gummibar atau gummibarchen yang dalam bahasa inggris menjadi gummy bear. ketenaran permen ini mencapai negara amerika serikat. Di sana gummy bear mempunyai 5 rasa khas. yaitu rapsberry (warna merah), jeruk (warna orange), stroberi (warna hijau), nanas dan lemon (warna kuning).

Permen ini asalnya dari jepang.Botan Rice Candy sangat lembut, kenyal, rasanya seperti jeruk lemon dan dilapisi kertas pembungkus beras. permen ini seperti plastik dan kering, tetapi jika sudah dimakan permen tsb akan mencair di mulut Anda. Ini adalah permen tradisional Jepang , dan saat ini sudah diimpor ke Amerika Utara dari Jepang oleh JFC International.Permen Botan Rice datang dalam kotak kardus kecil yang berisi 3 / 4 oz. (21 gram) permen. Setiap kotak berisi enam buah individu dan stiker. Sebelum 1998, setiap kotak berisi mainan plastik kecil. Nama permen itu, Botan (kanji: 牡丹 , hiragana: たん ), berarti 'peony' dalam bahasa Jepang. Sebuah peoni mekar ditampilkan pada label, di samping hariko-Inu, mainan tradisional berbentuk anjing bagi anak-anak Jepang.

Konon pesta ulang tahun anak2 di brazil ga akan semarak bila nggak tersedia permen yang terbuat dari susu dan bubuk cocoa ini.nama Brigadeiro sendiri diambil dari seorang nama jenderal di angkatan udara brazil pada tahun 1940 an, Brigadier Eduardo Gomez. jadi ceritanya,ketika permen ini pertama kali diciptakan,Brigadir Eduardo Gomez sangat terkenal karena berhasil membasmi pemberontak.makanya
permen ini diberi nama sesuai sang jenderal untuk menghormati jasanya.rasanya yang enak dan bentuknya yang menarik membuat permen ini sering menjadi hiasan pada kue dan eskrim.

Permen jahe memang merupakan permen yang tergolong kuno. Berbicara permen ini bukan hanya berbicara puluhan tahun lalu, tetapi ratusan tahun. Setidaknya permen ini sudah tercatat di dalam buku Island of Java karya John Joseph Stockdale, pelancong berkebangsaan Inggris, yang menyebutkan, pada tahun 1778 Belanda mengirim sebanyak 10.000 pon (atau sekitar 5.000 kilogram) produk yang disebut candied ginger dari Batavia ke Eropa. Makanan ini digemari di Eropa karena menyembuhkan kembung atau dalam istilah ilmiah disebut flatulensi.
Permen ini juga Cocok sekali untuk menghangatkan badan dan menyegarkan tenggorokan. Apalagi saat udara dingin. Asli permen ini asalnya dari Indonesia. Negara yang terkenal sebagai penghasil rempah-rempah.

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Virtual Villagers 5 - New Believers

# Puzzle 1 - Physician, Heal Thyself

Requires: One villager (adult or child).
To the left of the enclosure, across the stream, is the science lab. Just below the lab
(south) is the hospital, guarded by the pain totem.
In the hospital are some blue mask heathens, and a purple mask heathen who is sick.
Set one of your children (or adults) to healing, then drop them on the purple mask heathen
until he/she is healed. 
Once the purple mask heathen is healed he/she will convert and join your village. You now
have an extra adult to work, and one who is also an experienced doctor.

# Puzzle 2 - Food, Glorious Food

Requires: One adult villager (at a minimum).
Your villagers will appear inside a flimsy bamboo enclosure. Set your adults to building and
drop them on the bamboo and they will start tearing it down to build a food bin. 
When the food bin is finished you have solved the puzzle.

# Puzzle 3 - The Hungry, Hungry Totem

Requires: Bees, adult builder, child for distraction.
Above and to the right of the enclosure is a noni bush. There is a Hungry Totem in front of it. 
In order to get food from the bush, you need to get the guards away and tear down the totem.
Use the bee power on the bush. This will do two things: (1) Increase the number of noni berries,
and (2) temporarily drive away the red mask heathen.
Once the heathens near the bush run away use a child to distract any orange masks in the area,
then drop your adults on the totem to tear it down.
Keep the orange guards away and keep your adults on it until the totem collapses. This will happen
fairly quickly.
Once the totem is gone the red mask and the orange mask will go elsewhere. Now you can harvest food.

# Puzzle 4 - A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

Requires: Bees or Lightning power, adult builders, children for distraction.
The totem is guarded by this time by one or two orange masks and a red mask. The red masks will not
chase your villagers, so you need something that will distract both types of guards.
The easiest for doing this is the lightning power, which is 100 energy. If you have this ability by
this time, then use it.
If you don't, then you can use the bees.
Hit the totem with lightning and the guards will run off. As soon as they are far enough away drop
every adult you have on the totem to dismantle it.
Orange guards may come back early or come out of the lab. If they do, distract them with children
while your adults are tearing down the totem.
If the red guard comes back before you finish, just move your adults back to farming/building and
let your energy build up again. You can accelerate this process by double collecting relics.
Hit the totem with lightning again if necessary, then finish pulling down the totem.
Once the totem is gone the guards will leave and you can access the lab. 

# Puzzle 5 - Organic Farming

Requires: Construction level 2, 1 master scientist, 1 master builder, other builders.
Once you have all of those, turn your attention to the farm and the broken aqueduct above (north)
of the lab. 
Drop your master scientist on the aqueduct and they will start to supervise the work.
Drop a master builder to start construction, then any other builders you have as well.
Once the aqueduct is repaired the farm will be ready to go.
Supposedly you need a master builder, but I have found that as long as you have the master scientist,
any builder will do.
At this point the purple masked farmer will convert to your tribe and drop a piece of the necklace.
Have a child pick up the piece.
It will take 2 hours (in fast speed) for food to grow, but you can make it bloom instantly if you
have the instant bloom "godly" power.

# Puzzle 6 - Dem Bones

Requires: Puzzle 7 solved, several builders.
Once the Blocking Totem (puzzle 7) is gone, wait and the heathens will drift away to other places. 
You can then drop builders on the mausoleum to clear the blockage.
Towards the end, the purple mask heathen who sits by the mausoleum may try to put the blockage back.
Don't worry about it, just make sure that there are three or more builders clearing the rubble.

# Puzzle 7 - The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

Requires: Master Builders (preferably 3 or more), Lightning power, children for distraction.
Puzzle 7 is to take down the blocking totem, which guards the entrance to the mausoleum. 
Drop a master builder (or several) on the totem to start taking it apart.
Once you start to work on this totem, the guards and others from the mausoleum will come and try
to rebuild it.
Your builders will run away, make sure they don't go far.
Once the totem is surrounded by the guards, hit it with lightning.
When they run away, drop your builders back on to tear it down.
If any orange guards come back early, you need to keep them distracted with a child.
When the red and blue masks come back and start repairing the totem, hit them with lightning again.
When they leave bring back your builders and keep tearing down.
Repeat as necessary until the totem is gone.

# Puzzle 8 - Kids Do the Darndest Things

Requires: Six children under the age of 14.
This is the Hollow Totem that sits beside the dry lake.
Your builders can't take this one down, you need to stuff it with children.
Notice the holes, there are five of them.
Five children can fit comfortably in the totem. A sixth will cause it to collapse.
Drop children on the totem and wait until they go in. When the holes are filled with eyes, drop
the sixth and the totem will collapse.

# Puzzle 9 - Go Speed Racer, Go!

Requires: A builder (adept or master), time warp power, 500 energy, and the purple masked master
builder to be sitting in the area.
To the right of the blocking totem are two small areas that look like building supplies. 
To convert the purple mask master builder, you need to beat him/her at a building contest.
The purple mask master is very fast, however.
The purple mask master also tends to wander, so you can't do the challenge until he/she is sitting
below the challenge area.
Bring your master builder to the area.
Use the time warp powers on him/her, and they will speed up.
Drop the builder immediately on the left pile of supplies, and he/she will quickly build an object.
If you finish first, the purple mask will convert to your tribe.
The necklace piece will actually drop near the statue, near where the other three pieces of the
necklace are.
Drop a child on the piece and they will bring it to the rest and assemble the necklace.

# Puzzle 10 - The Lady in the Lake

Requires: Energy of 1,200 (you'll need to do it in stages), tempest power, revive power.
Go to the dry lake area and trigger a tempest (storm). Then trigger a second (you must trigger the
second while there are still puddles in the dry lake).
After two storms the lake will fill up. 
NOTE: If you don't have the capacity to do two storms in a row, you can still do this. Just wait
until after it rains and there are puddles in the dry lake, then trigger a tempest.
Now you need to recharge to 600 energy to use the revive godly power.
When you have the energy, use the revive godly power on the lake and the fish will come to life.
Now your farmers can fish. Unfortunately, until you convert the orange and red masked heathens,
they will interfere with your farmers as they pass by their village.

# Puzzle 11 - Pain, I Can't Get Enough

Requires: Lightning power, at least 100 energy (preferably 300), several builders.
The pain totem has no guards, but it gives off electricity so no one can touch it. 
Hit the pain totem with the lightning power, then drop your builders on it to take it apart.
If its power comes back, hit it with lightning again and finish demolishing it.

# Puzzle 12 - Over the Rainbow

Requires: Clothing hut built (level 2 science), 2 or 3 random adults, several builders.
This is the Rainbow Totem that guards the hot springs pools.
After the clothing hut is complete, three dye pots will appear at the top of the screen, to
the right of the pool and above the farm. 
You can use these to drive all of the heathens out of the pool long enough to take down the totem.
You need two or three adults to take dye to the pool. Drop the first adult on the yellow pot and
wait until he/she picks it up and starts towards the pool.
Then drop the second adult on the red pot. Do not wait for the first one to reach the pool, if
you do the yellow dye will wash away before the red can get there.
Watch as the adults drop first the yellow, then the red dye into the pool. The water will turn a
nasty orange color and the heathens will leap out.
This also works with the colors in the order of the totem, red, yellow blue (requires 3 adults).
When they do, drop your builders on the totem to take it down. Repeat with the dyes if the heathens
come back before you can get the totem down.
This will clear the heathens out of the pool. At this point, the only place they can go is the
broken down village in the south east corner of the map.

# Puzzle 13 - The Proof is in the Pudding

Requires: Level 2 science (the back of the lab must be rebuilt), a master scientist.
After you purchase 2nd level science, the lab cleans up a bit and there is a large "blackboard"
on the back wall made of animal skins.
Drop a master scientist on this board and they will proceed to write out a mathematical proof. 
If they are correct, the purple masked master scientist will celebrate, then walk over to the
mat and sit down, thinking.
You can tell they are thinking due to the light over their head. Wait for the light to go out
(an hour or two depending on what speed you are playing the game at).
When they are no longer thinking repeat the process with a master scientist. Wait again and repeat
a third time. After the third time the heathen will convert.
The heathen will drop a piece of the necklace, have a child pick it up.

# Puzzle 14 - Talk to the Hand

Requires: Level 3 construction, level 3 spirituality, builders.
Once you have the levels of technology, start dropping your builders on the statue and they will
complete it.
Once the statue is completed it will increase your maximum energy level.
You can also drop builders on the completed statue to polish it. This will give them building

# Puzzle 15 - There Are None So Blind...

Requires: The mausoleum to be completely cleared (puzzle 6 and 7), random adults, fire in the
fire pit.
When you have finished clearing the mausoleum, a shallow pan will appear on the steps. Drop an
adult to pick it up. 
The adult will take the pan up the stream and drop it near the mysterious pot, halfway between
the food bin and the science lab.
Drop an adult on the shallow pan and they will start to pan for gold. If they are successful,
they will fill the pot 1/3 full of gold.
Keep dropping adults on the pan and panning until the pot is full.
When the pot is full drop an adult on it and they will take it to the fire. 
Wait a bit, and the gold will turn into a large orb. When it does, drop an adult on it and they
will take it to the Blind Totem at the edge of the forest. 
When they put the eye in the totem, the hidden section of the forest will clear and you will see
the chief.

# Puzzle 16 - The Big Kahuna

Requires: Conversion of all of the purple masked masters (puzzles 1, 5, 9, and 13), all pieces
of the necklace, several children.
After each of the purple mask conversions, you should have a child take the piece of the necklace
that they dropped to the statue.
The child who brings the last piece will assemble the necklace.
This necklace belonged to the chief's daughter.
Once the necklace is complete, drop someone (adult, child, it doesn't matter) on it to take it
to the chief.
The chief will convert and join your tribe. The former chief is a master in all six specialties.

# Puzzle 17 - My Mommy is Stranger Than Your Mommy

This is an extra puzzle that will only appear in games sold in the first few weeks directly
through Last Day of Work.
Requires: at least 3 nursing mothers, children to distract the orange guards.
You may have noticed the heathen "mommy" sitting in the ruined village in the southeast corner of
the map.
Mommy is almost never alone, the guards are always there except when they are drawn away, or when
it rains.
Distract the guards away and drop a nursing mother onto "Mommy" to talk to her.
Wait until the "Mommy" is listening, then drop another nursing mother to talk.
Again wait, then drop a third nursing mother.
Basically you want all three mommies to be talking to the heathen "mommy" at the same time.
At this point she will convert.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

critical aim

Intro: Dm  C Bb – C Dm (x4) 

Dm 8va, one octave higher, 13 Fret – treble strings,1st,2nd,3th)

*Dm…          D5…
D5                                     D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
  (Shh, quiet, you might piss somebody off) 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5
Like me motherf~ker you've been at it for too long 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
While you feed off others insecurities 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds 

(+)  Self righteousness is wearing thin 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
(Lies inside your head your best friend) 

D#5-F5 - D5 
I'll bleed but not for f e l l o w man 

(Broken glass, your fake reflection) 


Dm                                    C/E 
   Telling them its all for something real 

Don't respect the words you’re speaking 

Gone too far 


D5                 D#5-D5 
So, how does it feel to know that someone's kid 

D#5-D5                       D5
in the heart of America has blood on their hands 

fighting to defend your rights 

so you can maintain the lifestyle 

D5                 D#5-D5 
that insults his families existence 

D5                D#5-D5                D5
Well, where I come from we   have a special salute

D#5-D5               D5 
waved high in the  air to all those 

pompous assholes who spend their days pointing fingers

(F~ You!) 


Like the heartbeat 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5
of this country when antagonized too long 

I'll be damned if you count me 

D5 –  D#5-F5-D5 
in as part of  your generous hypocrisy 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
collected and amazed 

D#5 - F5 - D5 
Tabloid gossip we want less real 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
(There's no need for us to bury you) 

D5 – D#5-F5-D5 
Selfish agenda, once again 

(Right this way, you dug your own grave) 

Back to: Chorus 

D#5-D5                D5 
All  the way from the east to the west 

We’ve got this high society 

D#5-D5        D5 
looking down on their very foundation 

D#5-D5                                  D#5-D5
Constantly reminding us that our actions 

D5            D#5-D5 
are the cause of all their problems 

D5              D#5-D5
pointing their fingers in every direction 

D5     D#5-D5 
Blaming their own nation for who wins elections

D5            F5     D5 
They never contributed a f~king thing 

to the country they love to critize 

Excuse the obscene 

Ignore the untrue 

Depictions we see 

Bb                 Bb/
Try and get through 

Gm       –      Cm 
And many mistakes can hurt 

D7-9                   G 
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first 

Cm  F  Bb – Bb/G#  Gm – Cm  A7-9 – A 

D#5-D5    D5   D#5-D5   D#5-D5           

D5    D#5-D5   
(Shh, quiet, you might piss somebody off) 

D#5-D5 | D5 D#5-D5 (x4) | G#5-G5 | 

G5  G#5-G5 (x3) | G5  G#5-C#5-C5 | 

C5  C#5-C5 (x3) | C5  Bb5-A5 | Bb5  Bb5-A5 (x4) | D5

Back to: (+), Chorus 
Dm   C/E   Bb   A   *Dm…

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